2401 Sardis Rd N Charlotte NC 170,000 SF / 21 ACRES
Building Owner: Mainstreet Capital Parnters Design/Architect: Redline Design Group Engineers: Barrett Woodyard & Associates, King Guinn
We completed renovation of a retail box store converting it to office use for Mainstreet Capital Partners. The project reused the existing structure providing savings to the developer while producing a dramatic conversion of the aesthetics and infrastructure. We worked with the developer through budgeting and design to produce a cost effective renovation allowing them to secure a lease quickly.
Construction Scope Included:
50 new windows in structural masonry
3 new tenant entries with ACM awnings and signage
New TPO roof
6 New HVAC Units and BMS System
2 New Landscaped Common Area
Full repaving and curb/gutter project
Decorative paver entry
New parking lot lighting by Duke Energy
3 new monument road signs
Addition of 2 back-flow units to existing water services
New second electrical service and transformer to building
“Investing in out-of-state commercial building assets is risky. Finding a trusted partner we can rely on when we are not able to be onsite is crucial. Stocker Associates is that trusted partner who acts on our behalf with our best interests in mind. I have complete confidence in our investments when I am working with SA for the construction services.”
— Tamar Jacobs, V.P., Mainstreet Real Estate Services